Flutec round spiral ductwork and fittings are carefully manufactured with highly experienced craftsmanship and with the best machinery available in the market making the installation process a snap with near zero leakage results.
Our duct fittings are made with the highest quality materials and manufactured with high precision plasma cutting machines meetings SMACNA 2005 standards.

Flutec proudly manufactures multi-zone round dampers and accessories for recognized brands in the industry.
Since the year 2001 Flutec manufactures and supplies air flow control dampers for Honeywell and proudly manufactures the ARD, CPRD MARD and RRD volume control damper models. Lately Flutec capabilities has increased since 2016 by use of new laser cutting CCN machines and by automatic folding equipment. This provides superb quality and the capacity to make semi-custom HVAC components. Flutec has a total of five Spiro lines to make round ductwork and fittings from 4" diameter up to 60" in diameter.